This eight-week workshop will give you an experiential understanding of the chakras, also known as energy centers in the body. These energy centers spin at the core of your being and create mental and emotional patterns in your life. This workshop will help you gain a deeper understanding of how your chakras work and learn new tools to experience greater physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being and fulfillment.
Join me for an immersive workshop series in which you will learn valuable tools and resources to create change and transformation in your life. The intention of the series is to invite greater awareness, balance, and empowerment in all aspects of your life using the chakra system as a guide. Using practical and spiritual tools, you will learn practices to help you feel more energized, joyous, motivated, loving, communicative, intuitive, focused, and peaceful. All levels welcome.
Each Class Includes:

Informative content on each chakra

Hatha and Kundalini yoga poses to benefit each chakra

Meditations to balance each of your chakras

Bio-energetic exercises for physical and emotional release


Work in small groups
Recommended Reading:
Unlock the Power of Your Chakras: An Immersive Experience through Exercises, Yoga Sets & Meditations.
Overview of the Chakras
First Chakra: Grounding, survival, and fear

Second Chakra: Desire, emotions, and guilt

Third Chakra: Power, energy, and anger

Fourth Chakra: Love, relationships, and grief

Fifth Chakra: Communication, creativity, and judgment

Sixth Chakra: Intuition, perception, and depression

Seventh Chakra: Consciousness, spirit, and faith

Eighth Chakra: Aura, radiance, and charisma